The buried gastrostomy bumper syndrome is one of the rare complications of PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) insertion. It develops when there is a combination of a rigid bumper and a tension build-up between internal and external bumpers. This condition is manifested by complete occlusion of the internal opening of the gastrostomy by mucosa, making it impossible to feed the patient. We report a case in which the PEG was inserted a year prior to the appearance of this rare complication. It was embedded beneath the gastric mucosa and we had difficulty in removing it to insert a new PEG. The bumpers are anchor-like attachments to each end of the gastrostomy, which keep it stationary. The rigid bumper is an integral part of the gastrostomy. However, a "soft" bumper has been developed, but its costliness has restricted its use. In our case the gastrostomy was removed with the aid of the cutting wire of a sphincterotome in light contact with the external tissue.