Polyclonal anti-IgM antibodies were more effective than monoclonal antibodies in inducing dormancy in SCID mice bearing a murine B lymphoma (BCL1). Under saturating conditions, both polyclonal and monoclonal anti-Ig antibodies induced cell cycle arrest (CCA) in both BCL1 cells and human B lymphoma cells (Daudi) but polyclonal antibodies were far more effective at inducing apoptosis. A mixture of several monoclonal antibodies specific for noncrossreactive epitopes on C mu mimicked the effects of a polyclonal anti-mu. Hypercrosslinking mIgM by a polyclonal antibody against the primary monoclonal anti-mu markedly increased apoptosis and CCA. Hence, the extent of crosslinking of IgM and the resultant singnalling may be a major factor in inducing and maintaining dormancy and in determining whether lymphoma cells respond by apoptosis or CCA. In contrast to mIgM, another B cell receptor, CD40, which induces CCA when crosslinked did not induce apoptosis after hypercrosslinking. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that aspects of the CCA and apoptotic pathways are independent. When anti-CD40 was added with anti-mu to Daudi cells, the proportion of cells undergoing apoptosis was increased.