Objectives: To find the connections between Primary Health Care (PHC) and Research Units (RU) and the participation of PHC professionals in Research Committees (RC) and Clinical Research Ethical Committees (CREC). To evaluate RUs' PHC-related research activities, analyse the RUs and how much they are used by PHC.
Description: A descriptive, crossover study, with data collected by means of a mailed questionnaire.
Setting: The 110 units which were part of the RU network by the end of 1993.
Participants: Representatives of RUs.
Interventions: In May 1994 a self-filled questionnaire containing 29 items was sent out to RUs. During October/November 1994 non-repliers were recontacted.
Measurements and main results: 80 RUs replied. 30 RUs were connected with PHC; 14 were totally dependent on PHC; and 16 were partially linked to PHC. A minority of PHC professionals took part in RCs, except in the cases of those totally dependent on PHC. Participation in the CRECs was unusual. RUs had little connection with Family & Community Medicine teaching units, although this figure was higher for RUs connected to PHC. 86.2% of RUs were open to PHC professionals, although involvement was generally low. 71.4% of RUs stated they had carried out some project of their own related to PHC; and 77.6% had collaborated in at least one PHC project.
Conclusions: PHC has paid little attention to the creation of RUs and has participated little in RCs and CRECs. Teaching units should tighten their relationship with RUs, which do an important amount of PHC research. PHC researchers offered a wide range of services, which were little-used. Teaching units should publicise their existence more and extend their times of availability.