The measurement characteristics of two asthma symptom diary scales developed for use as health outcome measures in clinical trials of asthma therapy were investigated. A daytime diary scale was designed to capture the frequency and inconvenience of daytime asthma symptoms and their effects on activities, and a nocturnal asthma symptom diary scale was designed to capture awakenings with asthma symptoms. The internal consistency, reliability, validity and responsiveness of both asthma diary scales were assessed in 346 adult asthma patients in two placebo-controlled clinical trials of an investigational asthma therapy, a leukotriene biosynthesis inhibitor. The daytime symptom scale showed sufficient internal consistency (0.90-0.92), and the daytime and nocturnal symptom scales showed sufficient test retest reliability (0.69-0.87). Construct validity was demonstrated by generally moderate-to-strong correlations for changes in the diary scales with changes in other measures of asthma status, such as forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and puffs of beta-agonist inhaler. Both scales demonstrated significant responsiveness to change in asthma due to therapy in one of the clinical trials. Based on these results, the daytime and nocturnal asthma symptom diary scales show measurement characteristics appropriate for use as asthma outcome measures in clinical trials of asthma therapy.