Objective: Descriptive analysis of an intraoperative radiotherapy protocol (IOR) in the context of conservative management of invasive bladder cancer.
Method: From November 1988 to September 1994, 24 patients with invasive bladder carcinoma (20 T2, 3 T3) were included in this protocol consisting of: transurethral resection (TUR), neoadjuvant chemotherapy (M.V.C.) in 14 patients, external irradiation (x 18 MV: 48 Gy/24 F/5 weeks) with concomitant chemotherapy (cisplatin 30 mg/day-3 days-2 cycles during irradiation)-follow-up cystoscopy then surgery with IOR (E 9 MeV: 15 Gy).
Results: The global 3-year survival was 69%. An invasive intravesical relapse developed in 3 patients (1 salvaged by cystectomy) and a superficial relapse occurred in 1 patient. One patient developed pelvic lymph node progression and 7 developed distant metastases. The early and late toxicity was acceptable with 3 cases of ureteric necrosis or stenoses resolving after medical treatment.
Conclusion: This series shows encouraging preliminary results. IOR appears to be a technique well adapted to lesions of the fixed portion of the bladder.