Objective: To estimate the role of right heart function in the development of edema in COPD induced cor pulmonale.
Method: 44 cases in exacerbation stage with hypoxia and hypercapnia were studied. Pulmonary hemodynamic parameters were measured by Swan-Ganz catheter and compared with the presence and extent of peripheral edema.
Results: Peripheral edema was noted in 40 cases and right arterial pressure < or = 1.33 kPa in 23 cases (23/40 = 57.5%), 17 cases showed edema, with right artrial pressure > 1.33 kPa. There was no significant difference in peripheral edema between that two groups.
Conclusion: A high proportion of COPD patients with edema do not show right heart failure. The development of edema in COPD may be related to a complex mechanism, including hypoxia and hypercapnia induced natrium and water retention, Right heart failure is not a prerequisite for edema. The significance of edema in COPD induced cor pulmonale should be interpreted correctly in clinical practice.