Fluoromisonidazole (FMISO), labeled with the positron emitter 18F, is a useful hypoxia imaging agent for PET studies, with potential applications in patients with tumors, cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Methods: Radiation doses were calculated in patients undergoing imaging studies to help define the radiation risk of FMISO-PET imaging. Time-dependent concentrations of radioactivity were determined in blood samples and PET images of patients following intravenous injection of [18F]FMISO. Radiation absorbed doses were calculated using the procedures of the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) committee, taking into account the variation in dose based on the distribution of activities observed in the individual patients. As part of this study we also calculated an S value for brain to eye. Effective dose equivalent was calculated using ICRP 60 weights.
Results: Effective dose equivalent was 0.013 mSv/MBq in men and 0.014 mSv/MBq in women. Individual organ doses for women were not different from men. Assuming bladder voiding at 2- or 4-hr intervals, the critical organ that received the highest dose was the urinary bladder wall (0.021 mGy/MBq with 2-hr voiding intervals or 0.029 mGy/MBq with 4-hr voiding intervals).
Conclusion: The organ doses for [18F]FMISO are comparable to those associated with other commonly performed nuclear medicine tests and indicate that potential radiation risks associated with this study are within generally accepted limits.