We present a new method that stains differently two subpopulations of Purkinje cells in the adult rat. Deparaffinized sections of cerebella, fixed by perfusion with buffered glutaraldehyde or Bouin's fluid were stained with 0.5% light green in 50% ethanol (10-30 min). The excess dye was removed with saturated aqueous picric acid (10-30 min). At this point some Purkinje cells appeared as lightly stained neurons, while others were strongly stained. Slides were immersed in 0.5% aqueous acid fuchsin for approximately 1 min until the lightly stained neurons acquired a red color. Following immersion in 1% phosphotungstic acid, slides were rapidly dehydrated in ethanol, passed to xylene and mounted in Canada balsam. Two subpopulations of Purkinje cells differing in their protein content in somata and proximal dendrites stained differentially by this method. They occurred in all coronal and sagittal sections and in patches or stripes. Their relative proportion varied from lobule to lobule. A second staining method used potassium permanganate as the sole staining reagent. The staining reagent can be used on sections previously stained with the acid dyes. Purkinje cells appeared as subsets of brownish to deep brown stained neurons, the latter ones corresponding to green stained cells in the dichromic method. The results obtained indicated that the subpopulations reflect real differences among individual neurons and are not artifacts. The technique holds promise for identifying and localizing sub-sets of Purkinje cells differing in their protein content under normal and experimental conditions and for their further characterization by combined staining and histochemical procedures.