The authors have carried out a perspective randomized trial between two homogeneous groups, each one of 30 pts., consisting of 50 males and 10 females with an average age of 42 (18-65) affected by an uncomplicated inguinal hernia. Group A underwent a Bassini repair technique and group B underwent a Trabucco's operation. The early results in terms of clinical conditions and days of post-operative course and period of return to work were analysed with Shapiro-Wilk and t tests. The group B patients had a significant reduction of the post-operative period (2.3 days vs 3.46), a significant reduction of post-operative pain (present in all group A patients vs 6.6%) with rapid return to normal functions and to work. All these conditions reduce the costs of the operation for society and the health service. There were no statistically significant differences in terms of morbidity and long-term follow-up (about 9 months).