An association between asthma and gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) is well recognized but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. The authors suggest that could exist an association between GER and upper airways hyperreactivity and this association could represents the mechanism underlying the lower esophageal sphincter releasing, that determine the reflux. In fact they suppose that, the noxious injury of acid reflux follows a course that could be: pharynx-->larynx-->bronchi-->1/3 inferior of the esophagus-->reflux. From these presuppositions the authors carried out a study on the possible relationship between GER and non-specific hyperreactivity of upper airways on 14 subjects, divided in 2 groups: 10 subjects with functional GER, 4 subjects suffering from GER caused by hiatus hernia as control group. All patients had a thorough medical history, ENT examination with rigid and flexible endoscope, anterior Rhinomanometry (RRM), skin-test for inhalant and alimentary allergens, RAST, audiometric exam, non-specific nasal provocation test (NSNPT) with histamine, using as control the number of sneezes. From a through analysis of objective examination and from the results of the NSNPT with histamine resulted that all subjects with functional GER were rhinopathics. In all tests both in vivo (Skin-test) and in vitro(RAST) for the most common allergens (pollens-inhalant-mycophites-alimentary) the results were negative. The authors also found an involvement of paranasal sinuses that raised: 91% in the patients with recurrents phlogosis due to non specific nasal hyperreactivity; 40.9% in the allergic subjects (20% in the Graminacee +; 32% in the Parietaria O. +; 76% in the Dermatophagoides Pt. +; others 4%); 100% in the ASA-intolerance subjects. The NSNSPT with histamine showed in the group with functional GER a hyperreactivity with sneezes in 6/10 subjects, and 1/4 subjects of the group with GER with hiatus hernia. The RRM variations showed an unilateral nasal hyperreactivity in 6/10, bilateral in 3/10 subjects of the group with functional GER. In the group with GER with hiatus hernia only 1/4 subject showed reliable unilateral RRM variation. From the analysis of data resulted that subjects with functional GER showed a completely involvement of the upper airways and not only of the pharynx and larynx, caused by non specific hyperreactivity at the NSNPT with histamine, associated with a chronic pathology.