We report the case of a newborn who showed typical signs of rickets at birth craniotabes and severe hypocalcemia. The diagnosis of fetal rickets was confirmed by radiography. Maternal deficiency was revealed by an excessively low vitamin D level. The multiparous Moroccan mother had suffered low back pain and paraesthesia for several years. She wore the veil and rarely left her home. Nutritional and vitamin D deficiency was demonstrated. We report this exceptional case to recall the importance of vitamin D in the development of fetal calcium supply, the prevention of gravid osteomalacia and the prevention of neonatal hypocalcemia. Vitamin D supplementation (ideally 1000 IU per day during the third trimester or at least one 100,000 IU dose at the sixth and eighth months or a single dose of 2 to 3,000,000 IU at the sixth month) should be the rule in pregnancy.