A 30-year-old-man was admitted to our hospital because of headache and fever. His consciousness on admission was clouding. Sputum examination was positive for acid fast bacilli which later identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Chest-X-ray and computed tomogram on admission showed multiple cavitary lesions on bilateral upper lung fields and bilateral diffuse nodular shadow. He was diagnosed as miliary tuberculosis with tuberculous meningitis. His mother admitted because of pulmonary tuberculosis four months ago, and her sputum examination was smear positive for acid fast bacilli, Gaffky 4, and she complained of cough for 6 months before admission. Because of this situation, he rapidly underwent the contact examination with chest X-ray, but not examined by tuberculin skin test because he was 30-year-old. As then chest X-ray was normal, he was not indicated of chemoprophylaxis, and he died of miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis 4 months after the contact examination.