[Informacia o niektorych vysledkoch z Pilotnej studie projektu Ministerstva zdravotnictva SR. AUDIT diagnostickeho a terapeutickeho postupu u chorych s akutnymi koronarnymi syndromami]

Bratisl Lek Listy. 1998 Mar;99(3-4):202-5.
[Article in Czech]


The basic analysis of the Pilot study fully confirms the possibilities of the realization of the project AUDIT ... in the planned form, the necessity to realize this project regarding the discovery of several negative facts in the management of patients with AMI, which can affect infavourable the course of the disease in patients with AMI and their prognosis or unjustifiably increase the economic impact. The most severe of them are investigated in this information and we present them in subsequent order of individual phases of the management of patients afflicted by AMI.