Although senescent BALB/c mice (approximately 2 years old) have reduced numbers of small pre-B cells, early pre-B cells (CD43+CD25+B220+) are present in comparable numbers within the bone marrow of both young (3-6-month-old) and senescent BALB/c mice. The transition of CD43+ pre-B cells to the CD43- pre-B cell compartments is dependent on proliferation and clonal maturation dictated by the pre-B cell receptor (mu/lambda5/VpreB). In vivo, senescent CD43+B220+ pro-B/early pre-B cells demonstrated reduction of lambda5 mRNA, by RT-PCR analysis, and of both surface and cytoplasmic lambda5 protein. Decreased lambda5 protein expression was also seen among pro-B/pre-B cells derived from senescent bone marrow after stimulation in vitro with IL-7. We propose that diminished expression of the lambda5 surrogate light chain results in decreased pre-B cell receptor formation and contributes to reduced recruitment of nascent CD43+ pre-B cells into the CD43- large and small pre-B cell compartments.