The effect of pretreatment of human polymorphonuclear leukocites (PMNs), for 30 min with fluconazole (0.1, 1, 5 and 50 microgram/ml) and itraconazole (0.05, 0.5 and 5 microgram/ml) on phagocytosis and generation of free radicals (superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide) was studied in vitro. Phorbol miristate acetate (200 nM) was used as a stimulant. The mean amount of superoxide anion generated by 2.5 x 10(5) PMNs per hour was 4.39 +/- 1.13 nmol for fluconazole-treated PMNs and 4.56 +/- 1.2 nmol for itraconazole, and that of hydrogen peroxide was 11.19 +/- 2.18 and 11.28 +/- 3.61 nmol, respectively. The phagocytosis percentages were 83.8% for the control group and 88. 7% in antifungal agent- treated PMNs; the phagocytosis index was 3.0 yeasts per PMN for both groups. The differences between the control and treated PMNs were not statistically significant at any of the tested concentrations.