Objectives: To report 3 new cases of akinetic mutism, a clinical syndrome defined by silent immobility with preserved visual alertness not accountable by lesion of the areas and/or effector pathways of speech and voluntary movements.
Material and methods: Anatomopathological studies were performed in Cases 1 and 2; clinical follow-up, EEG, angiography and CT scans in Case 3.
Results: Case 1: Bipallidal necrosis; Case 2: Left pallidal necrosis with right frontoparietal cortico-subcortical infarction; Case 3: Striato-capsular infarction on the left side, involving the caudate nucleus and the anterior arm of the internal capsule, together with obstructive hydrocephalus.
Conclusion: The roles of both globus pallidus and prefrontostriatal circuits in the onset of voluntary movements are discussed.