Background: Interest has recently focused on anti-HIV prophylaxis in case of sexual exposure. A circular from the French Ministry of Health (DGS/DH n(o) 97/560, 12 August 1997) envisages such treatment in certain risk situations such as sexual aggression. The toxic risk of prescribing a tritherapy or a bitherapy, even for a short period of a few weeks must be considered.
Case report: A 20-year-old rape victim with an uneventful medical history was given a prophylactic regimen including zidovudine, laminovudine and indinavir. Three months later, she developed free-bilirubin jaundice with biological signs of hemolysis.
Discussion: We draw attention to the risk of severe adverse effects of short-duration anti-HIV prophylaxis in apparently healthy subjects. The protocol must included careful patient information and rigorous surveillance.