PIP: Tonga has a relatively high rate of population growth that is moderated by emigration. There has been a decline in fertility, however. Family planning was introduced in Tonga during the 1950s. The Tongan Family Planning Association (TFPA) is a non-government organization established and recognized by the Tongan government. The Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICEP) approved of and funded an integrated TFPA-JOICEP project on health education and family planning motivation as well as a national seminar. TFPA projects for 1986 include: youth development; women's development; men's development; and health education, family planning motivational integrated approaches in development and family planning. A station wagon serves as a mobile clinic. A doctor and his staff hold clinics or meet with women in the villages to demonstrate contraceptive use and to discuss reproduction and fertilization. Other organizations which provide FP services are: the Government Health Services and the MCH Department; the Catholic Mission; and the Seventh Day Adventist Mission. Tongan health services are largely a governmental responsibility and are provided free of charge. There are 4 main hospitals and 6 health centers with a total of 325 hospital beds.